Long Roll Jar Mills
Long Roll Jar Mill
803 DVM |
roll jar mills are designed specifically for applications where
space is at a premium. Available in single and multiple tier models.
Roll length: 36, 48, 72 inches
802 DVM with Safety Enclosure |
Totally enclosed DC drive motors permit solid-state
control of roll speed. Machines have speed range of between
50 and 300 RPM.
Rolls mounted in ball bearing pillow blocks.
Rolls are
2 ½" in diameter and made of long-wearing, oil,
solvent and chemical resistant Neoprene rubber; bleeds off static
electricity generated by rotating rolls.
Free turning ball bearing jar stops mounted
at each end of drive rolls assure jars remain on rolls.
Three-position lateral adjustment for idler
Lifetime lubricated and sealed ball bearing
pillow block
Jar positioners made of long-wearing polyurethane
are available at extra cost for any long roll jar mill. They
keep jars separated, positioned exactly. Simple to install,
quickly moved to any position.
Three-position lateral spacing adjustment of
idler roll allows mills to handle standard size 000 through
size 6 jars or round containers from
2 ½" to 15" diameter.
Options: Revolution counters, automatic timers,
motor controls, jar positioners, sound-proof enclosures, explosion-proof
Explosion-proof model has constant speed of
290 RPM.
Options: Roll guard covers.